When you think of a toilet, you probably imagine a plain white bowl that you flush to dispose of waste. But have you ever considered how much toilets have evolved throughout the years? They have come a long way! Now there's a fancy, high-tech toilet that does more than just clean itself. ARROW is one of the smart toilet best brand. And they create toilets that can actually really change your bathroom experience. In this article we shall get an overview of the incredible features of smart toilets, the advantages of having one and what sets ARROW's smart toilet apart from its peers.
Smart toilets are not your regular toilets you see around. They also feature unique parts and technologies that make them work better for you. With a smart toilet, for example, you might use a remote control or a smartphone app to activate a variety of features. Let’s take a closer look at some of these cool features.
Bidet and Cleaning Functions: An added bonus is that the toilet can spray water to assist in cleaning you. You can even adjust the hardness or softness of the water. Some smart toilets even take it a step further and gives you a warm air dry after the cleaning!
Deodorization and Air Purifier: Bad smells in the bathroom are an absolute no-no. Smart toilets are useful for that as well! They can emit pleasant scents, purify the air and even eliminate foul odors and germs. This means a fresh, healthy environment in your bathroom.
Convenience: The best part about a smart toilet is that you no longer have to do it manually. Less flushing, wiping or cleaning the toilet. Plus, it will free up space in your bathroom because you won’t have to own a separate bidet!
Well: A high-tech toilet can make you healthier. Using a cleaner as well as more advanced toilet, you limit your threat of getting germs and infections. The cleaning and bidet functions can keep you feeling fresh and clean, which supports your health.
If you’re considering upgrading your old toilet, there are many smart toilets to pick from, both in stores and online. Nevertheless, it’s worth keeping in mind that smart toilets are not all the same. You need to ensure you select a toilet that is safe, dependable, and functions properly. And that is why ARROW is the way to go!
ARROW 10 million kvadrat metr maydonni egallagan 4 ta ishlab chiqarish markazlariga mezbondir. Sanitariya-gigienik buyumlar, keramik plitkalar, shkaflar, shaxsiylashtirilgan maishiy texnikani o'z ichiga olgan aqlli uy echimlariga ixtisoslashgan ARROW dunyodagi eng yirik sanitariya-texnik vositalar va xizmat ko'rsatuvchi provayderlardan biri hisoblanadi. . U o'zining ajoyib dizayni, ajoyib xizmati va yuqori sifati tufayli xorijdan ham, uyda ham mijozlarning ishonchini qozondi.
Texnologiya, ayniqsa, texnologiyaning tez yangilanishi davrida mahsuldorlikni ta'minlovchi asosiy omil hisoblanadi. Ko'plab mutaxassislar bilan ARROW bitta milliy CNAS akkreditatsiyalangan laboratoriyasi (hammom sanoatida yagona) va 8 ta sinov markazlari va tajriba uchun 1 ta tadqiqot markaziga ega Smart Home tadqiqot institutini tashkil etdi. So'nggi bir necha yil ichida ARROW vakolatli 2500 dan ortiq patentlarni qo'lga kiritdi.
ARROW 1994 yilda tashkil etilgan bo'lib, Qo'shma Shtatlar bo'ylab 13,000 2022 dan ortiq ko'rgazma zallari va do'konlariga ega. ARROWning Xitoyning har bir burchagida do'konlari bor. 60 yildan beri ARROW xalqaro miqyosda bozorni qizg'in tekshirib kelmoqda. ARROW Rossiya, Birlashgan Arab Amirliklari, Qirg'iziston, Vetnam, Myanma, Senegal va boshqa mamlakatlarda agentlarni yaratdi va eksklyuziv do'konlarini ochdi. Hozirda kompaniya mahsulotlari dunyoning XNUMX dan ortiq mamlakat va mintaqalariga eksport qilinmoqda.
ARROW turli sohalarni qamrab oluvchi keng turdagi mahsulotlarni taklif etadi. Bu ARROW-ga turli xil iste'molchilarning ehtiyojlarini qondirish imkonini beradi. Agentlarni bozordagi raqobatbardosh mahsulot resurslari bilan ta'minlang va siyosatni qo'llab-quvvatlang: ARROW agentga to'liq siyosatni qo'llab-quvvatlaydi, jumladan, namunaviy subsidiya, bezak subsidiyasi, ko'rgazma zali dizayni, trening, brend reklamasi, marketing, sotishdan keyingi xizmat ko'rsatish va boshqalar.