Bathrooms have come a long way since they were created decades ago. Traditionally bathrooms were quite basic with no elaborate features. Well nowadays we have some pretty awesome technology that makes using the bathroom a lot easier and a hell of a lot more comfy! Well, one of the latest inventions that caught the attention of many is ARROW baştirîn tuwaleta jîr. This incredible toilet seat has a computer contained in it that allows it to perform many functions that you would never expect from a normal toilet seat.
ARROW smart toilet seat, aims to provide you with a luxurious toilet experience. When you sit down on it, everything is controlled with a tiny controller that sits beside you. Very simple to use, this controller allows the water temperature to be adjusted to be warm or cool, depending on your preferences. Another added benefit is that they allow you to control the water pressure, so you can make the spray as hard or gentle as you desire. Oh, and you can even specify the angle of the spray! There’s also a special air dryer that dries you off after you wash so you don’t have to touch any toilet paper at all!
ARROW smart toilet seat comes with some amazing features that help you feel comfort and clean every time you use it. For instance, it features a heated seat that warms up extremely quickly. This will spare you from having to freeze in the cold winter months by delaying a cold toilet seat — you can imagine how is uncomfortable! But that’s not all — the toilet seat also features a built-in air purifier that eliminates foul odors in the bathroom. This can be very helpful when you have business to take care of and you want the air fresh and pleasant!
Everybody who ever took a shit does it every single day, so why not make it fun? The ARROW smart toilet seat is specifically designed to enhance your bathroom experience and your daily routine. Comfortable seat, warm water and easily maneuverable controls can make using the bathroom an experience of relaxation. You may even want to just hang out a little extra time in there because it is so warm and cozy! You could even read a book or just soak up the coziness while you’re in there.
The ARROW smart toilet seat has one of the easiest and fanciest usages. It cleans you with water instead, so you don’t have to bother with toilet paper anymore. Not only does this save you money on purchasing toilet paper, but it’s also a lot better for the environment. Plus, this toilet seat’s air purifier and adjustable controls give you the luxury experience of using one at a fancy hotel or relaxing spa! You’ll have the feeling like you’re receiving a special treat each time you go to the bathroom.
Di serdemek ku teknolojî bi berdewamî pêş dikeve de, karîgerî pêdivî ye. ARROW komek pisporên pir jêhatî ye ku Enstîtuya Lêkolînê ya Smart Home saz kiriye. Ew xwedan laboratûwarek pejirandî ya CNAS ya neteweyî ye (yek tenê di pîşesaziya serşokê de), heşt navendên ceribandinê, û navendek lêkolînê ya ceribandinê. Naha, ARROW 2500+ patentên ku ji hêla hukûmetê ve hatine destûr kirin bi dest xistine.
Avantajê Hilberê: ARROW hilbijarkek berfereh a hilberan heye ku cîhêreng deveran vedigire da ku daxwazên xerîdarên cihêreng bicîh bîne. Çavkaniyên hilberên pêşbaziyê yên bazarê peyda bikin, û piştgirîya siyasetê peyda bikin: ARROW destekek tevahî ya siyasetê ji ajansê re peyda dike, di nav de yarmetiya Nimûneyê, yarmetiya xemilandinê, sêwirana salona pêşangehê, perwerdehî, ragihandina marqeyê, kirrûbirra, karûbarê piştî firotanê, hwd.
ARROW di sala 1994-an de hate damezrandin. Li seranserê welêt zêdetirî 13,000 pêşangeh û firotgehên wê hene. ARROW li hemî deverên Chinaînê firotgehan dixebitîne. Ji 2022 û pê ve, ARROW bi tundî li bazarên navneteweyî digere. ARROW li Rûsya û Emîrtiyên Ereb ên Yekbûyî, Kirgizîstan, Vîetnam, Myanmar, Senegal û gelek welatên din firoşgeh afirandin û firotgeh vekirin. Berhemên wê niha ji zêdetirî 60 welatên cîhanê re têne şandin.
ARROW 10 navendên hilberînê yên ku 4 mîlyon metre çargoşe vedihewîne xwedan XNUMX navendên hilberînê ye. Pispor di çareseriyên li ser malê de ku aqilmend in ku ji kelûpelên seramîk, dolap, kelûpelên malê yên kesane pêk tê, ARROW yek ji mezintirîn çêkerên alavên paqijî û pêşkêşkerên karûbarê li cîhanê ye. . Ew bi sêwirana xweya jêhatî, karûbarê berbiçav û kalîteya jorîn pêbaweriya xerîdarên hem ji derveyî welat û hem jî li malê bi dest xistiye.