Do you ever wish to transform your bathtub into a luxury shower? Well, now you can! ARROW also offers a special shower tray for bathtub options. Gone are the wishes of having a nice shower experience; one can really have one at home!
ARROW — Ultimate Bathtub-Shower Combo Upon: Better Use of the Bathroom Space That means you can forgo anything comfortable, or stylish. You still have some of the amenities of a regular bathroom without being crowded into a small, cramped shower; you can have the best of both worlds — a tub for a relaxing soak, coupled with a shower when you need a bit of a refresher! This combo means you can have long, warm baths or quick, energizing showers whenever you like.
Slippery shower floors are incredibly dangerous; we all know that. They can lead to slips and falls, which can injure you. But with ARROW's bathtub spa options, you don't even have to worry! We ensure that our bathtubs are slip-resistant and safe. That means you can shower without the fear of slipping. Plus, there are a ton of fun colors and cool designs to make your bath mat safe and stylish and inviting.
Bathtub-Shower Designs Our bathtub-shower designs will fit in any size bathroom. Whether you love a standard style with a classic bathtub or you lean toward a sleek, modern shower, we offer a layout that will suit just what you need. Because our designs are simple to install, you won't be waiting much longer to enjoy your new shower or bathtub! Seriously the best of both worlds! Warm bath, when you have time and a walk-in shower, when you are in a hurry.
No more musty bathrooms! Upgrade yours to ARROW's chic, contemporary bathtub-shower unit. Our units look good and work great.” You can choose special options that fit your needs, such as a built-in seat for comfort, a convenient handheld showerhead for easy rinsing, or additional caulking to prevent water from leaking out. Plus our units are incredibly easy to clean-maintaining a more enjoyable bathroom experience!
ARROW di 1994 de hate damezrandin û li seranserê Dewletên Yekbûyî zêdetirî 13,000 firotgeh û salonên pêşangehê hene. Li her quncikekî Çînê firotgehên ARROW hene. ARROW di sala 2022-an de bi tundî li bazara cîhanê keşif kir. ARROW li Rusya û Mîrektiyên Ereb ên Yekbûyî (UAE), Kirgizistan û Myanmar û her weha li welatên din firotgeh û ofîsên taybetî vekiriye. Berhemên wê niha ji zêdetirî 60 welatan li çaraliyê cîhanê têne hinardekirin.
Teknolojî tê wateya hilberîna bingehîn, nemaze di serdema pêşkeftina bilez a teknolojiyê de. Digel komek mezin a pisporên pir jêhatî, ARROW Enstîtuya Lêkolînê ya Smart Home bi yek laboratûara pejirandî ya CNAS ya neteweyî (Yek tenê di pîşesaziya serşokê de) heşt navendên ceribandinê û yek navendek lêkolînê ya ezmûnê ava kir. ARROW niha zêdetirî 2500 patentan digire.
ARROW xwedan 10 bingehên hilberînê ye ku 4,000,000 metre çargoşe vedihewîne. Pisporê çareseriyên xaniyan ên jîr ên wekî kelûpelên paqijiyê, dolap, seramîkên seramîk, kelûmelên xwerû yên malê, ARROW yek ji mezintirîn çêkerên kelûmel û pêşkêşkeran li cîhanê ye. Ew bi sêwirana xweya nûjen, karûbarê bilind û kalîteya jorîn pêbaweriya xerîdarên xwe hem ji derveyî welat û hem jî li malê qezenç kiriye.
Product Advantage: ARROW has a wide selection of products that cover a variety of areas to meet the demands of different consumers. Provide agents with market competitive product resources, and provide policy support: ARROW provide a full range of policy support to agent,including Sample subsidy,decoration subsidy,exhibition hall design,training,brand publicity, marketing, after-sales service, etc.