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The Toilet Upgrade You Didnt Know You Needed

2025-02-14 22:00:51
The Toilet Upgrade You Didnt Know You Needed

A bathroom is so important because we all use it every day and have to come in contact with a toilet that is one of the most needed tools. But have you ever considered how you might make your own toilet nicer and more pleasant to engage with? Don’t worry if you need to know how to do this. We at ARROW have some amazing ideas for you to change your bathroom experience into something beautiful and enjoyable.

How to Make Your Toilet a Throne.

Old toilet boring, zoology tired of the text you? Now let’s make it unique and fun with our guide on Toilets upgrades. So, to help make your toilet more comfortable and fun with some tips and tricks. Do you want to give the toilet a throne-like feeling to sit on it in luxury and relaxation?

5 Toilet Upgrades You’ll Appreciate.

Here are five cool ARROW upgrades that will improve your actual toilet experience:

ARROW Touchless Toilet Flusher: This flusher is very cool because it works without you even having to touch it. There’s a special sensor that knows when you’re finished using the toilet and flushes for you. This is a good thing, though, as they keep your hands clean and free of germs that can make you sick.

ARROW Heated Toilet Seat: This seat warms up for you on those cold winter mornings when the air is chilly. It keeps you warm and snuggly while you are toileting. No one enjoys that jarring experience of sitting on an icy bathroom seat, eh? This upgrade gives your bathroom a more luxurious feel.

ARROW Self-Cleaning Toilet: Hate cleaning your toilet? This is the toilet for you. And the best part is, it cleans itself after every use. You won’t have to fret about scrubbing the bowl or any harsh cleaning chemicals. It also guarantees that the toilet needs no additional scrubbing to be fresh for you.

ARROW Bidet Toilet SeatThe ARROW Bidet Toilet Seat Features a Heated Seat & Adjustable Water Temperature. An integrated bidet sprays you clean after you use the toilet. Which means you will use less toilet paper and feel sooo much fresher. It’s a smart way to stay clean while preserving the environment.

ARROW Toilet Night Light: The light glows impressively in the toilet bowl. This is ideal for those occasions when you have to locate the toilet in the dark, such as in the middle of the night. It allows you to see without turning on bright lights that might wake you up. So, you can take urinal toilet breaks without waking up.

Essential Next-Level Upgrades You Need Today

Want to take your bathroom to the next level? Look no further than ARROW’s outstanding upgrades. Here are additional cool picks worth considering for your bathroom:

ARROW Smart Toilet: The toilet is just a smart toilet of the future. It has a screen that can play music, display videos and even adjust the water temperature for the bidet. Visualize those lovely tunes or video while you do business.

ARROW Toilet Seat Lift: An ideal upgrade for anyone who doesn’t want to bend down to lift the lavatory toilet seat. It includes plenty of convenient built-in mechanisms for lifting the seat with one press of a button. Lever has glove and holder make it easy and comfortable to use the toilet for all.

ARROW Air Freshener: Anyone making their bathroom smell nice and clean needs to take note. There is even a special feature that emits a nice aroma every time you flush. Say good-bye to bad odors and hello to a bathroom that smells fresh.

ARROW Toilet Paper Holder: For anyone who wants a more organized bathroom. It stores your toilet paper neatly and easily accessible whenever you need it. So no more scramble to find toilet paper.

ARROW Toilet Brush: This is the right toilet brush for lazy people who don't want to put any effort into cleaning their toilets. It also has an internal cleaning system that scrub cleans the bowl automatically and leaves it sparkling clean. You’ll appreciate how simple it is to keep your toilet looking good.