It’s 2050 and bathrooms look nothing like what we have today. With the emergence of intelligent technology, a new type of toilet has surfaced: the smart WC. That's short for “smart water closet. " The leader in this change is ARROW, the top company for bathroom inventions, with its new exciting designs making using the toilet a much nicer experience for everyone.
What Makes Smart WCs Special?
Urinals aren't just a high-tech toilet at all! These toilets can monitor your health from your pee and poop. They can detect early symptoms of illness, which is extremely useful, as it makes it easier for you to manage your health before things get worse. Moreover, it helps in water conservation and minimizes waste which benefits the environment. One of the coolest things about them is their automatic self-cleaning feature, which makes sure the bowl stays clean without any effort from you.
But that's not all! Smart WCs also feature special sensors that tell them when you are about to use the toilet. They identify who you are by detecting your body heat and weight. Which means they can reposition the seat just for you, and adjust the water temperature and pressure to make using the toilet more pleasant for you. It saves water and helps protect our planet when the toilet flushes and washes itself after you’re done.
Smart WCs: The Convenience of Comfort in Your Bathroom
Goodbye to elbow grease cleaning of the toilet, adjusting the seat position for your precise height requirement or being shocked by cold water when you sitdown! Smart WCs offer comfort and a hassle-free cleaning experience. They even have features like heated seats that warm you up, air dryers that dry you off without involving toilet paper, and scents that keep the Bathroom smelling fresh and clean. And these toilets also help reduce sickness and are environmentally friendly, which make them a no-brainer for everyone in the family.
Smart WCs Are the Bathroom’s Leading Lady
Bathrooms can be more than just a place to go. Their wet and dry areas can be separated, ensuring everything is kept clean, and with Smart WCs they can then be a space you enjoy spending time in as it becomes fancy and high-tech! These toilets have slick, modern designs that work great with any Bathroom Accessories aesthetic. Some even have free standing bath that set a peaceful and soothing mood, so your bathroom feels like a private getaway.
Why Choose Smart WCs?
While some people consider Smart WCs too particular and extra, others expect they are the toilets of the long term! The advantages they provide extend far beyond aesthetics. Boosted well-being and ease of use for everyone, whether young or old. They can help with your health and are friendlier to the planet, so they are a good option for you and the earth.
What to Know About Smart WCs
While the Smart WCs offer you countless advantages, they do not apply to everyone. It’s worth considering what you want to add to your toilet and what you need. You also need to think about how much they cost and how to care for them. ARROW provides a wide range …of Smart WCs meeting every budget and preference to make this innovation available to everyone.